“K -who works in the kitchen- gave this candy to the Japanese manager of a Hong Kong style Chinese restaurant where I work, who gave it to me saying “I don’t eat Chinese anyway”.”
Text, Egg Yolk Pastry, Plastic Bag (Japanese Supermarket AEON)
For an exhibition “After “Freedom of Expression?”” Aichi Triennale 2019
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Commented by Ai Ohashi:The candy inside my work became rejected to exhibit during the preparation of the Gobidai-ten (joint graduate exhibition of five art universities in Tokyo) at the National Art Center, Tokyo in 2018, and I modified my work by adding text that disclosed the background of what had happened. The museum refused to publish all related archives in the text including the museum regulation they used as the criteria of displaying the work or not, nor any of the email exchanges. The day before the opening of the exhibition, the text above, as well as three other artist’s works, became partially demolished. Practically, my work was censored by the museum twice. Me and the other students who were subject to this censorship published the incident on social media. The International Association of Art Critics, Japan, published an open letter to the museum in response to the post, however, the museum replied to this that there had been no fact of the museum demolishing the work by themselves, and that the decision of whether or not to display the work was made by the organizer. However, there did not comment which particular individual or organization the “organizer” was. Musashino Art University, who were the host school of the year (the five schools rotate the role of the host every year), commented that the organizer is consisted of all five art universities, and this incident in particular was subject to Joshibi University of Art and Design, as all students related to the censorship were Joshibi University students. Joshibi University, however, commented that they were participating in the exhibition on behalf of the Gobijutsu daigaku rengo (association of the five art universities), and were not obliged to make an official comment on this incident behalf of Joshibi University of Art and Design. As seen here, all of the directly related organizations disclaimed the responsibility of explaining what had actually happened were responsibility of the others, and as the locale of liability were lost, the accountability could no longer be pursued. Still until today, no explanation nor apology has been made by any of the organizations.
[Full text of the above the work]
In the past I have worked at a Hong Kong stile Chinese restaurant. There were employees from Hong Kong, China, Vietnam and Japan working as waiting staff. One day I got some sweets from the director. The sweets had been a gift from K, one of the chefs at the restaurant. He had been back to his home country of Hong Kong because all the chefs were required to go back their home country once a year according to company rules. So, he had bought the sweets in Hong Kong. But actually, these were supposed to be for the director, not for me. Because in fact K had offered them as a gift to the director, but it was not accepted. I do not know the reason why even now but apparently the director had stated that he did not eat Chinese food. This is all there is to the story for why I got the sweets. After that I tried to eat them first, but I did not. This was because I was against his idea. I liked K and I like Chinese food. And to be honest, I did not like the director as a person. Finally, I realized that I do not need to accept his idea and eat it either. And I created this as artwork.
But in this exhibition, I did not display six pieces of candy and their individual wrapping plastic bags, but rather the most external cardboard box and plastic plate that covered the candies' bags. During the preparation period for this display, all pieces using special materials such as water or sand required consultation with The National Art Center, so this piece underwent consultation as well. As a result of that consultation, I was not allowed to use the candy itself or the wrapping bags in this piece. Additionally, I was not able to disclose the terms of service or any documents from the consultations with The National Art Center during the preparation period for this exhibit in this essay.
It is unfortunate that this museum was unable to receive the entirety of this piece. However, what is now in front of you is the result of what was made from the various wishes, intentions, and regulations of the individuals and organizations surrounding this piece. I think that there is a need for us to accept the whole of the situation, including the particulars.
長いタイトルを持つこの作品は二重構造の検閲を受けている。まず始めに有機物である箱の中の菓子が検閲、出品拒否され、次にその経緯を説明する文章を展示したところ、それをも撤去させられた。 検閲は、2018年に開催された五美大展(国立新美術館)でのこと。腐敗の怖れありと箱の中の菓子が出品禁止とされたが、一年経った後も腐敗せず、個別包装菓子へのこの懸念はいかにも過剰だったようだ。むしろ、ここから民族問題の主題の拒否が根底にあるとも憶測された。
料理店の社長は日本人だが、香港人スタッフの好意を拒絶することで、異民族への眼差しが透けて見える。しかしこれは一つの解釈でしかなく、別の見方もあろう。ここに本作の多義性の長所があり、見るもの自身の考えで差別について考えるよう誘う。 同じように、検閲のプロセスと作家のアクションの資料により、作家は私たちがどのような閉じた社会に生きているかも呈示する。 その答えは見るものの中にある。(アライ=ヒロユキ)
私を含む当該学生らは、事態発生直後に本件についてSNSで一般に向けて情報提供をした。その投稿記事を受けて美術評論家連盟(AICA JAPAN)が美術館に対し発出した本件における公開質問状に対し、館は撤去を館側が行った事実はなく、展示の可否は展覧会主催者が判断していると回答した。次いで行った文書における事実確認で、幹事校(各大学が毎年持ち回りで担当)である武蔵野美術大学は五美術大学全てが主催者であり、本件は当該学生らが所属する女子美術大学が対応する事となっているとした。女子美術大学は本件は五美術大学連合として対応しており、本学による文書等の正式な対応は行わないとそれぞれ主張している。