Single HD video, Duration of video:11min 59sec, 2023
In this work, I violently curse my father who has already died. I am crying to my father out the trauma of his domestic violence At the end of the video, I suddenly beginning to say “Goodbye” to him, waving my hands repeatedly. But he continues to exist as me from the beginning to the end. As a victim of the domestic violence, it expresses that I left behind with trauma even in the absence of the perpetrator, the father. Although I am still suffering, I can also be an active agency as a victim. This aggression the violence go gender femininity, referring to the fact that all victims have also humanity and the social context are not always good. In addition, it mentions the relation between the facts and the play.
Installation view for an exhibition "Dad" 2023 BUoY Art Center Tokyo
Projection to the wall in the gallery by the projector